All in all, it's actually been a kick-ass week. But it's also a week that is marking occasions I'm not a part of and sometimes it's hard to forget them when reminders are everywhere.
So I just re-read that sentence and it sounds like I'm talking about the Royal Wedding. Which might appear on the list, but I'm not really considering it a marked occasion I'm not a part of.
Happy Things:
- A growing story time crowd that is now getting close to the 40 child mark on a regular basis. I rock my new job and I'm not even technically a children's librarian.
- Young toddlers who like to point out other babies. Seriously, most you probably won't find this amusing at all, but this happens at least once a week and always cracks me up.
- The Royal Wedding. Yeah, it's annoying that it gets so much news coverage. And it certainly isn't cool to find it interesting. But romance is sweet and the young girl in me who always wanted to be a princess finds it endearing. But don't worry, I'm not buying any memorabilia nor am I getting up before dawn to watch it.
- Twitter. Is it odd to love a social media as much as I do Twitter? I like having a voice that isn't Facebook. I like that people who don't even know me send love, prayers, hugs and laughs.
- Wind and rain at night. I love going to bed with the sound of win and rain outside. Though I am not a fan of storms when I'm sleeping alone.
What made you happy this week, readers? I had lots of smiles and I'm hoping for more this weekend.