I did a lot of things in June 2013, but blogging was not one of them. I'd say that I'm sorry but that's not really true. I'm disappointed in myself for not being able to find the time to write, even just once a week. But I've been having a lot of fun and because the computer I'm using is a loaned and old white Macbook, I feel less inclined to open it up and pour out the words some evenings.
So instead of writing, here's a little bit of what I've been doing this June:
Reading books.
Sending a lot of emails.
Holding hands.
Talking about Web Rings.
Playing with babies.
Spending mornings wrapped up in bliss.
Eating breakfast on occasion.
Laughing at long streams of text messages from college roommates.
Raising the Jolly Roger.
Hanging pictures.
Rewatching Parks and Recreation.
Moving beds.
Wearing a goofy grin on my face.
Renting dresses.
Being sappier than I ever thought possible.
Summer Reading.
Drinking beer.
Eating Chinese food.
Telling dorky jokes.
Feeling all of the feelings.
Walking for Melanoma.
Celebrating graduations.
Loving the fountain.
Exploring the city.
Being hot.
Spending time with family.
Watching Friends late at night.
Feeling lucky. In more ways than one.
Whatever it has been keeping you busy in the start of summer, I hope it's been as much fun as mine. Leave your list in the comments, dear readers.
Every summer needs a few good songs. Songs that go perfectly with sunglasses and iced tea. Songs that make you want to stay up late and get a hickey like you did in high school. And songs that make you want to dance until the sweat is dripping down your back.
In my opinion, the best summer jam list is a conglomeration of past and present. It might, for instance, look a little like this.
DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince ~ Summertime
I think this was the first summer song that I remember hearing. The one that actually made me realize that summer might be more than just catching fireflies in my backyard.
Ricky Martin ~ Living La Vida Loca
This song was huge the summer before I left college. When I listen to it today it reminds me of what was probably my most carefree summer and all of the hope one feels as they stand on that edge.
Katy Perry ~ Teenage Dream
I don't even remember the specific year this song was released. But I think it's impossible not to want to wear skimpy clothing and eat ice cream with a boy when you hear it.
Len ~ Steal My Sunshine
I did a quick Twitter survey for favorite summer songs. This one received multiple votes. I think it was made for the beach.
LFO ~ Summer Girls
Fun Fact: I first heard this song while sunbathing in Ocean City, Maryland when I was on my senior trip. My girlfriends and I were listening to a boom box, I was still skinny enough to wear a bikini, and I didn't worry about sun damage or skin cancer. And any song that references Alex P. Keaton wins.
Carly Rae Jepsen ~ Call Me Maybe
In 2012 this song became a summer song for the decades. It's a song we'll be reminiscing to our children about when we're old and listening to the radio on the porch.
Nelly ~ Hot in Herre
This song was popular in the summer, right? Either way, it reminds me of barely being able to drink and sweating on dance floors in skirts.
Robin Thicke Featuring Pharrell & T.I. ~ Blurred Lines
If you've been near me in the last three weeks you've heard me talk about how I think this is the sexiest song I've heard in 2013. This is my official summer song. Catchy, steamy, and naughty. Don't worry, this video is the one featuring less naked.
So dear readers, I'm sure I missed quite a few of your favorite summer songs. Why don't you go ahead and leave your pick in the comments. I'd love to listen.