
List #227: Music for Lazy Weekend Mornings in the Fall

October has been a whirlwind. Too much on the plate, too many events to attend, too many work-trips to balance, mini-getaways to appreciate. In short, it's been a month of happiness and gratitude. But this weekend, with the exception of celebrating my mother's birthday, nothing is on the agenda.

And since the weather forecast says cool, I say open your windows wide and snuggle under the blankets.  It's going to be the kind of weekend to read books, drink cider, eat Chinese food, and it if it's possible, to have a few rounds of morning sex. Or perhaps, wander into a bookstore and chat up the cute person next to you and invite them to the nearest coffee shop for a continued discussion on how horrible James Patterson actually is. To each their own, but to each a soundtrack of quiet, happy, and content moments.

Here's what I'll be playing:

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