
List #190: You Could be My Valentine, and I Could Be Your Long-Lost Gal

I'm off on Valentine's Day this year. Well, off in the evening. But I don't have plans. At least not yet. Actually, realistic me is pretty much set in coming home and ordering Chinese food for one and soaking in a long hot bath.

The tiny side of me that is romantic, mixed with the large part of me that is hopeful, still holds on to the idea that it might include a grand gesture, a surprise package, or a dinner, and maybe some cupcakes.

Someone once told me to write down what I want out of a man. And I've never publicly written specifics here, because I don't want to come off too picky or too demanding. But just for today, here's some things I'd be very happy about from a Valentine. Keep in mind, Valentine's Day is suppose to be a fun holiday. So I don't have any deal breakers below. Think of them as more like little quirks and occasional habits. I'm serious about them all, but all to varying degrees.

A Lovely Valentine would be someone:
  • To watch Penguins games with in the middle of the week. He must be willing to shout at the television with me and laugh when I tell him the story of how I once wished Pascal Dupuis Merry Christmas.
  • Who doesn't mind cooking. Fancy dinners, sure. But I'd love to come home to a perfectly grilled cheese stuffed with pickles. And then he'd let me pick up dessert or indulge my yearly craving of root beer floats.
  • Can drop Ron Swanson quotations in times of need. And totally be up for multiple viewings of Parks and Recreation. 
  • Brings a glass of water for me to bed. No ice. And doesn't get mad when it takes a few days (or maybe even a week) for that glass to make its way back to the sink.
  • Isn't afraid to pin a girl against the wall and give her the best kiss of her life. 
  • Wants to meet my friends. And makes them laugh at least twice in one night.
  • Sends me a text before lunch time and wants to hear my voice at night.
  • Lets me put my head on his chest and my arm on his shoulder.
  • Wants to share secrets with me. And knows that I'll keep them locked away for as long as needed.
  • Understands that I will probably cry, a lot. But finds it charming. And knows that I'd let him cry too.
  • Wants to play True American until the wee hours of a Saturday night.
  • Will belt out lyrics to songs in the kitchen. Loudly. With or without me. But probably with me.
So what do you think, dear readers? There is a little more than two weeks left to make it happen. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. And if you know anyone who might be interested, please feel free to give them a referral. And in the meantime, what makes your valentine a lovely thing? 

1 comment:

  1. I think if a man made a similar list he'd come across as a shallow, mysogynist asshole.
