The tiny side of me that is romantic, mixed with the large part of me that is hopeful, still holds on to the idea that it might include a grand gesture, a surprise package, or a dinner, and maybe some cupcakes.
Someone once told me to write down what I want out of a man. And I've never publicly written specifics here, because I don't want to come off too picky or too demanding. But just for today, here's some things I'd be very happy about from a Valentine. Keep in mind, Valentine's Day is suppose to be a fun holiday. So I don't have any deal breakers below. Think of them as more like little quirks and occasional habits. I'm serious about them all, but all to varying degrees.
A Lovely Valentine would be someone:
- To watch Penguins games with in the middle of the week. He must be willing to shout at the television with me and laugh when I tell him the story of how I once wished Pascal Dupuis Merry Christmas.
- Who doesn't mind cooking. Fancy dinners, sure. But I'd love to come home to a perfectly grilled cheese stuffed with pickles. And then he'd let me pick up dessert or indulge my yearly craving of root beer floats.
- Can drop Ron Swanson quotations in times of need. And totally be up for multiple viewings of Parks and Recreation.
- Brings a glass of water for me to bed. No ice. And doesn't get mad when it takes a few days (or maybe even a week) for that glass to make its way back to the sink.
- Isn't afraid to pin a girl against the wall and give her the best kiss of her life.
- Wants to meet my friends. And makes them laugh at least twice in one night.
- Sends me a text before lunch time and wants to hear my voice at night.
- Lets me put my head on his chest and my arm on his shoulder.
- Wants to share secrets with me. And knows that I'll keep them locked away for as long as needed.
- Understands that I will probably cry, a lot. But finds it charming. And knows that I'd let him cry too.
- Wants to play True American until the wee hours of a Saturday night.
- Will belt out lyrics to songs in the kitchen. Loudly. With or without me. But probably with me.
So what do you think, dear readers? There is a little more than two weeks left to make it happen. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. And if you know anyone who might be interested, please feel free to give them a referral. And in the meantime, what makes your valentine a lovely thing?
I think if a man made a similar list he'd come across as a shallow, mysogynist asshole.