
List #117: What I Want Under the Tree

What do I want for Christmas this year? Up first, the big ticket item and the one more than likely to be purchased by family members.

The Impractical:
The iPad2: I'm not actually really sure what I would do with an iPad2 because I love my MacBook Pro and I already have 3 iPods (though truthfully the shuffle has long been lost the gods years ago and the touch is just a weird piece of technology that I haven't used since graduate school). I just invision my life being a little cooler with an iPad. Perhaps blogging would be easier. And I'd have full intention of using it at storytime. I'd be that cool librarian.

The Practical:
A New Wallet: Because my Vera Bradley one isn't cutting it anymore and just doesn't suit my style. It's been beaten and bruised over the last two years. Dropped in the snow, sitting on the bottom of my overcrowded purse. I even managed to douse it in salad dressing on a fateful day in January. It's time for a new one in hopes of a better financial new year too. Preferably a Fossil, long wallet that has some vinyl on it for protection. 

So dear readers, what are you wishing Santa would bring?

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