But seeing as it's already after 10pm, my bedtime is looming, and I really could not decide what to blog about tonight. I'm totally stealing Leanne's idea (and I hope she doesn't mind). Now since this blog has a theme of lists, I've become inspired by Leanne's Cs and challenge myself to list 3 things I enjoy for every letter of the alphabet. A list every week, for 26 weeks, and in alphabetical order (I am an organized librarian, afterall).
So without further ado, I present to you a list of As:

About a Boy

Okay, so Hugh Grant is one of those actors who we can look past the hooker thing and still find room in our hearts to love. He's dashing. Debonair. And English. Really, the best type. And this was a Nick Hornby book! It's the perfect combination in my eyes. One of my top 10 favorite flicks (Side Note: I'm not much a movie watcher. So my list is never going to be filled with serious/foreign/and definitely not scary movies).
My best friend & I have a running joke where he likes to tell me that I don't love America. I think it really started a few summers ago when I did not wear red, white & blue on the 4th of July. Our views might not always be the same, and our gentle teasing has manifested itself into some pretty hilarious Christmas gifts. So I have to include America, or be yelled at for a few days as we play WordFeud.
So thanks, Leanne! And tell me, what do you like that begins with "A"?
Of course I don't mind! ;-) You're my favorite list-maker, after all. I love Apple butter. It just screams "fall" to me and reminds me of my childhood. It seriously tastes like all my fall memories growing up.