
List #155: A List of Things of Which I Need to Better

When I think of all of the things I've done so far this week I sigh. And then I can't believe that it's really only Wednesday night. I've done the normal things like go to work, chat with friends, respond to emails. But I also managed to squeeze in a 2-day conference, networking, a fun and flattering opportunity I'll be happy to reveal here in a week or so, and now I'm getting buckling down and writing a blog post before I sleep. It's been a whirlwind month for me, stuck inside a whirlwind month, and the neither of them are over yet.

But I swear, even when I'm riding on a personal high of confidence and achievement, I quickly get pushed back down to "overwhelming stress and fear about everything from finances to laundry." I swear, somedays it feels like feeding the cat is an award-winning accomplishment. But I'm realizing, as I grow in my wise old 30s, that I can control more of this than I choose to at times.

So with almost a month into year 31 finished, I'm pledging to work really harder getting better at the little things in my life that can cause huge stress.

So from now I on I will (stive to):

  • Open the mail the day it arrives.
  • Vacum every other day.
  • Unpack within 24 hours of a trip.
  • Buy an organizer for mail, dates, paper.
  • Write non-work related appointments in my calendar.
  • Organize my clothes on a regular basis.
  • Cross things off my to-do list.
  • Go to bed at more consistent hours.
  • Keep no more than 3 pairs of shoes by the door.
I'm gonna do it, folks.

So dear readers, what's one little thing you could do better that would save you so much stress and worry?

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