
List #152: Game of Thrones

It will come as no surprise to you that I am on Goodreads. I take the updating of my book list seriously and write reviews for each book finished  Sometimes the reviews are polished, other times off-the-cuff. But I love the feeling I get when I mark a book finished and add another one to my list.

You can usually catch me reading a few books at once. But since I accidentally left Yinzrreadin's book in  a car on a road trip and won't be getting it back until Saturday, I've only got Game of Thrones on a borrowed Kindle.

And this book is driving me nuts. Now, before you go ahead and leave Game of Thrones related comments, I'll let you know that I haven't watched a moment of the HBO series and that I'm not yet finished with the first book. It's just so long and I know so many people love reading on their ebooks (and I do own a Nook myself) I just feel like long books are made even longer reading this way. Every day I hope that I'll reach the end of book one and then nope, not even close.

I'm loving every minute of this book that I never thought I'd enjoy, but here's a list of things that I could be doing instead of hanging out with the Starks and the Lannisters:

  • Dusting my apartment. My vacations and trips have also factored into this disruption in cleaning.
  • Reading any other book. I had a goal of 52 books for 2012 and now I'm accepting my defeat in numbers. 
  • Cooking gourmet meals. Okay, so that never happens and books have nothing to do with it.
  • Blogging. This is true. I keep going back to this never-ending story instead of writing.
  • Laundry. Well, this was true and also hampered by travels. But I tackled it on Monday night.
  • Catching up on magazines. See, I usually read magazines at least one day a week on my lunchbreak. This hasn't happened since I started this book. 
  • Painting my toenails. Also unmotivated since it's boot and tight weather now.
Okay, so maybe Game of Thrones isn't interrupting anything particularly important. I just want to talk about this book all of the time. One thing is certain though, I won't be starting the second book as soon as I finish the first. Too many other books to get my hands on!

So dear readers, have you ever had a book that consumed your life and took forever to read? You should share your recommendations (or warnings) in the comments. 

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