
List #161: Just A Little Crush

One of the best things to come out of this blog is the most fantastic people I have met in this city because of it. Writing here, and connecting through other local bloggers and tweeting random things in-between posts, has brought so many different connections in a city where I once thought I already knew everyone I was going to know. It's refreshing. It gives me hope that this in the the city that has known me for most of my entire life, there are still new friendships to be made between rivers.

Tonight I had the pleasure of meeting Rose from Bind & Create.  Though we've been emailing off and on for a few months, and are avid readers of the other's blog, we'd never gotten together. And though I admit I was fully nervous for this blogger date (She has a real MFA, something I lack and still kind of intimidates me) I knew that the conversation would flow.

And that it did. Leading eventually, to the topic of crushes. It's fun to have a crush. It's fun to daydream of the possibilities. To think about what you and the crush have in common. Exactly how they might kiss. And their favorite dinner food is and what type of music they'd pair with the meal.

But I don't think I really have a crush right now. I have remnants of crushes. And a few people I could crush on if the circumstances were right.

  • My Barista at Starbucks:  You've been making me coffee and tea for over a year now. Wearing your hair cut short and your beard trimmed shorter. Glasses and lips that remind me of person who reads. Like they keep moving, saying words silently under your breath, as you read to yourself in between breaks. You're a treat in the morning, but I hope you aren't my barista forever. 
  • The Cute Guy from Twitter who Doesn't Live in My State: I like your beard. I like your dog. And I like Instagram pictures of both. I just wish you lived in Pittsburgh. I think you'd like to get some coffee with me. And I think we'd fit well together reading books and watching HBO shows in my bed.
  • The Lawyer Who Was Riding the T with Me, that One Saturday, to the Baseball Game: You were chatting with your friend about a movie you wanted to see because you really liked the book! You didn't mention the title and though I was tempted to jump in and ask, after all I can always use my profession as an excuse, I didn't. Someone told me to post a Missed Connection and I didn't. Because really, does anyone read them anymore? But I suppose we'll always have the Buccos.
Are there more? Perhaps.

But I can't reveal all of my crushes. 

Because part of the fun of a crush is that you have to keep them secret until they are filled so much with intrigue that just POP. Until a night and fate put you and that crush together in a situation that needs to be rectified. And what happens under the stars, across the room, beside a door just has to play out and a story needs to be written.

So Dear Readers, who is your secret crush? Care to reveal one here? I promise I won't tell. 

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