
List #93: Goodbye August

I actually can't believe that August is over. I can't believe that at the beginning of this month I was still wrestling with summer reading and now children are back at school.  It feels a bit bittersweet to me because in all honesty, August was one of my best months of 2011.  And considering I sick for a large chunk of it and had an operation for a broken boob, that's saying something. Or it generally illustrates how much of a sh*tshow 2011 has been. Either way, August wasn't so bad.

But oh, September feels like home to me. So tonight's list is things that are great about the 9th month of the year:

  • A new picture on the Allegheny College calendar. I haven't talked to one alum who didn't think August's picture was lame. And yes, I've talked to multiple people about this.
  • It's my birthday.  On the 28th, so take note. Sure, it's my 30th and sure I kind of get freaked out by this. But like a good friend told me tonight, it's another year to celebrate and drink wine and go on trips and buy myself dresses. Lots of people can't do that at 30 for a variety of reasons.
  • I was giving myself until the fall to let myself get over a relationship. And I have to say it actually worked. Is every piece of me healed? No. But I can honestly say that I'm open to what may come my way now. And I may have even gone on some dates. Hoping for more as the leaves turn.
  • It's perfectly acceptable to burn candles and take baths on crisp September nights. You can feel autumn in the air and as soon as I heal from this surgery, I'll be enjoying a glass of wine in the tub with a book and a fall scent candle.
  • So many new exciting programs and opportunities at work. Loving my job has made this year so much easier and I look forward to making my year anniversary not so long from now.
  • I have taken the plunge and am going to rejoin a gym this month. If I don't use the membership or feel like I don't have the time, then fine. But I need to give myself a physical and healthy boost. Will make it fit in my budget.
  • Football. On Sundays with the family, with friends. Saturday cheering on my college-playing brother whether near or far. And hoping Dewey's Decimator's kicks ass in fantasy leagues.
  • But mostly, I just look forward to growing improvement: health, happiness, living space, friendship, family and librarianship. I am just crossing my fingers that autumn brings rebirth and joy. 
What are you most looking forward to in September? And y'all better say my birthday. 

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